Monday, August 22, 2011

Monash University's Lot's Wife - a snapshot

Image from Lot's Wife - 3 March 1965
At Monash University, the student magazine Chaos was closed down and replaced with a new magazine called Lot's Wife.

The mood and direction of Lot's Wife is expressed articulately by the editor, Tony Schauble.
In this first issue of Lot's Wife, Phillip Fraser is listed as an artist, along with John Phillips.

October 1965, Phillip Fraser and Pete Steedman shared the editorial.

The comments on the page mention Steedman, Fraser, and Laird (Ross). Laird indicated in an interview that discussions around time indicated that the editors were looking for something new to do. Participants in this discussion included Damien Broderick, who produced the Lot's Wife justification at the beginning of the year.
The editors earned 12 pounds for each issue, the staff member responsible for collecting advertising could earn 50 pounds an issue in commission, however for the editors, and according to Laird, earning an income, was one motivation for thinking of life beyond university at the time.
"From little things, big things grow!"

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