Monday, August 8, 2011

Perhaps an audience that surfed or skateboarded??

The first issue of Go-Set was exploring the needs of its perceived audience. I use the word perceived on purpose, as, on first appearances, the surfand skateboard audience would appear to be quite an expected audience to focus on. The Melbourne surf scene is and was based on Bell's Beach, the home at the time of surfing competitions, so naturally, surfing seems to be a natural target audience for male teens and twenties. Precedents lay in the music of the Beach Boys, and other close harmony groups, and in a marketing sense, it would attract a young male audience. Tony Olsson and the surf shop were well known to 3UZ at the time, so the association with the radio station was already in place behind the scenes of Go-Set. However, the surf scene would only remain in place for the first year. Go-Set's focus would more and more towards just music and fashion related areas, but in the beginning, Go-Set looked widely for interests to attract readers. This blog will look at other areas of the early Go-Set focus in future blogs.

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